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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Brainers That Will Improve your Health

Mini-meals high in protein, complex carbs & fiber.

If you find yourself looking for specific foods that promote energy throughout the day, look no further.  What you eat and how frequently you eat will help increase your energy and stamina.  For example, noshing on a doughnut with your morning cup of Joe may initially give you a boost, but since there's no complex carbs, fiber or protein that boost won't last.  Your glucose level and energy will also crash in no time.  

To prevent this energy (and insulin) roller-coaster ride, try eating small meals of complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber every four hours or so.  Some great choices for mini-meals include oatmeal with skim milk and fresh fruits, nuts, dried fruit & yogurt; even veggies and hummus.  Also, make sure you're drinking enough water to keep your energy level up as well, and remember to replace any water lost through perspiration.  The more you lose to sweat, the less efficient your body becomes, and that can have a negative effect all the way around.
Make better choices and reap the rewards!

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